Welcome to Learning Babies!

Do you have a little one and wonder what activities to use as your baby grows?

I get it!

I’m Amy, and I’m a writer and programmer turned stay-at-home mom. I asked the same question each month as my son, Hayden, got older.

So I created Learning Babies. It provides simple, easy, and inexpensive activities organized by age. I incorporate a little bit of everything: art, nature, sensory play, music, reading, and cooking.

Learning Babies goes back to basics by using simple toys and real world objects. (A ball and shoe box can be educational and lots of fun!) Simple activities means endless possibilities. Let creativity thrive!

I’ll continue to add content for older babies over time. So sign up for my newsletter for updates and practical child development ideas.

Let’s connect!

Find me on Facebook. Subscribe to my newsletter, Entrepreneurial Parent, to keep up with all things related to parenting. Or e-mail me at: amy@amymhaddad.com.

baby smiling